You've got to hand it to "Finger Cleaner" for nailing an edgy, icky tone that really sticks out among the five finalists in Doritos' annual "Crash the Super Bowl" contest for consumer-generated commercials.
In the spot, created by Thomas Noakes of Sydney, Australia, a frizzy-haired, greasy-cheesy-fingered Doritos eater is encouraged by his auto-shop co-workers to clean his fingers using a hole in the wall. The results are impressive, and unnerving.
Two of the five finalists, one picked by Doritos and another by fans in an online poll through Jan. 29, will air during Fox's Super Bowl broadcast on Feb. 2. There's also a $1 million grand prize for the ad that receives the most votes.
"Cowboy Kid" should do well, if only because it has two elements that always score in this particular competition: cute kids and a lovable dog. One kid actually rides the dog. We've also got a pair of so-so stolen Doritos/office-humor scenarios—one features an ostrich, which thankfully nobody rides—and a time-machine spot, which, despite the presence of a cute kid and a canine, probably has no future.
But only "Cleaner" merits a big thumbs-up, and I sincerely hope Doritos gives us all the finger on game day.