The strangely named Calm The Ham design studio ("it’s just another way to say relax, cool your jets, chill the beans, etc.") just came out with a run of minimalist film posters that attempt to capture the essence (defined as any combination of plot, theme, notable characters or scenes) of a given movie in a single image, usually centered in the exact middle of the poster.
The Internet is full of these things, and they mostly look the same, but these are a bit more clever than most. The Reservoir Dogs image is a neat, if abstract, reference to the characters' names, and the Donnie Darko poster uses color and shape to great effect. The Se7en and Fight Club posters aren't as effective—soap was already on the real Fight Club posters, for one thing—but they might come off better in print. Posters generally do, anyway.
And speaking of, you can buy prints of these posters directly from CTH's website.
Via Design Taxi.