Live-action advertising has become as much a part of the Halo franchise as gun-wielding aliens and multiplayer maps. The new trailer for Halo 4, directed by Tim Miller of Scott Pilgrim vs. The World and produced by David Fincher, continues the tradition, though it's a bit of a letdown after so many years of top-tier storytelling in ads and Web promos for the series. The new trailer, "Scanned," continues the supersoldier backstory approach we saw in "Birth of a Spartan" for 2010's Halo: Reach. This time, we actually see the origin of the game's hero, Master Chief (aka John-117), who is forced to relive his Wolverine-esque transformation from sandcastle-building scamp to galaxy-saving übermensch. It's definitely above average for a game trailer, and there's surely more advertising to come, but it still lacks some of the narrative punch we saw in the incredible work twofifteenmccann (formerly T.A.G.) created for Halo 3. After the jump, check out the live-action Halo 4 teaser from June, as well as the some of the Halo: Reach spots.