Sure, we could listen to pundits or statisticians to try to predict the outcome of the World Cup final on Sunday. They've got suits and numbers. But what they don't have is a black cat.
Why listen to logic when there's a feline (named Lucky, natch) who can—and will—tell you who will lose the World Cup. At least, that's what Leo Burnett and Lapiz have cooked up for Allstate's interactive World Cup campaign. Let's not forget that Allstate is a fan of mayhem, and black cats, of course, are well-known harbingers of bad luck.
If you tweet the hashtag #EnviaMalaSuerte (translation: "Send bad luck") with the name of the team you'd prefer to lose, some cat food will drop into that team's bowl. On Sunday, before the game, during a live YouTube broadcast, Lucky will get to choose between the Argentina and Germany bowls. Whichever bowl Lucky chooses to nosh at—well, that team will not win the World Cup. Allegedly.
It's a silly (and cute) campaign. Rooting for sports teams can bring out some odd behavior, so why not play with people's fan rituals?