Daily-deal sites are a dime a dozen, but how many have their own holiday? RetailMeNot.com has invented OctoNovemCember, a magical time of year when Pumpkin-Headed Turkey Claus travels the Web to deliver daily deals during the holiday season. Like every good holiday figurehead, GSD&M created an amazing origin story for Pumpkin-Headed Turkey Claus, who was born when a turkey dropped a single feather in Santa's pumpkin patch. Now, the bird with a pumpkin head and Santa suit wanders around shouting "Gobble, gobble, ho!" and aggregating deals from other sites. Apart from a great deal, the appeal of Turkey Claus might also be a touch of frustration with the way retailers tend to lump all the holidays together the moment October starts, eager to get to the busiest buying season of the year. RetailMeNot's campaign allows them to cater to the same yearly impulse to buy! buy! buy! while simultaneously mocking the competition for the resulting holiday smashups. It's like having your pumpkin pie and eating it, too.