While you were loving and hating the Super Bowl TV commercials on Sunday, there was a whole other game going on—the radio ads on Westwood One. And now, AdFreak has an exclusive look (or rather, listen) at the winner of the second annual Westwood One Super Bowl Sound Awards, honoring the best radio spots of the game.
The champion this year is Poo-Pourri, the before-you-go toilet spray that can eliminate odors that stink even worse than Pete Carroll's play calls. The spot itself won't be accused of being overly sophisticated (this brand's viral videos aren't, either), but it was a hit with the fans who voted. Have a listen here:
Last year's winner, Motel 6, placed two ads in the top five this year, with longtime spokesman Tom Bodett humorously trying to update his pitch for a new generation. The AutoTune one is quite funny. Listen to those spots here:
Finally, Subway and Exergen rounded out the top five:
More than 40 advertisers participated in the Super Bowl Sound Awards. The ads were available on demand for a week before the game aired Sunday on the more than 700 radio stations broadcasting Westwood One's Super Bowl XLIX coverage, as well as on SiriusXM Radio, NFL.com/Audiopass, NFL Mobile from Verizon and the American Forces Radio Network.