A Twitter hashtag game like #WhatIsLoveIn4Words is irresistible to brands. It's easy, and the answer is simple: With only a few exceptions, they love themselves first.
Check out a slew of brand posts around the hashtag below. Beats by Dre gets our grudging respect for being so uncreative, they were actually creative.
Have the first breadstick #WhatIsLoveIn4Wordspic.twitter.com/BU1zqGlLYI
— Olive Garden (@olivegarden) February 11, 2015
Here, have my #SNICKERS. #WhatIsLoveIn4Words
— SNICKERS® (@SNICKERS) February 12, 2015
A sailmate for life. #WhatIsLoveIn4Wordspic.twitter.com/ICQQ126GiY
— Royal Caribbean (@RoyalCaribbean) February 12, 2015
Here, have some fries. #WhatIsLoveIn4Wordspic.twitter.com/jFEA54HLiT
— McDonald's (@McDonalds) February 12, 2015
#WhatIsLoveIn4Words: Love has no labels. pic.twitter.com/rs8YTFF8sp
— Ad Council (@AdCouncil) February 12, 2015
Don't drop the ring. http://t.co/rQoZ5CaGHP#WhatIsLoveIn4Wordspic.twitter.com/luHcA0UxPl
— YouTube (@YouTube) February 12, 2015
#WhatIsLoveIn4Words: Thanks for rescuing me ❤️ pic.twitter.com/YDMvznDoss
— PETA (@peta) February 12, 2015
Sports. Sports. Sports. Sports. #WhatIsLoveIn4Words
— NBC Sports Network (@NBCSN) February 12, 2015
Sharing Wisconsin Cheese Curds #WhatIsLoveIn4Wordspic.twitter.com/rZWU7ZGB5E
— Culver's Restaurants (@culvers) February 12, 2015
Picking up some Charmin. #WhatIsLoveIn4Words#NoMoreCrappyTP
— Charmin (@Charmin) February 12, 2015
Here's your Red Bull. #WhatIsLoveIn4Words#OverlyAttachedGirlfriendpic.twitter.com/krv5ldDQRQ
— Red Bull (@redbull) February 12, 2015
You know my password. #WhatIsLoveIn4Words
— Surface (@surface) February 12, 2015
These Mozzarella Cheese Sticks. #WhatIsLoveIn4Wordspic.twitter.com/L42zVurAOr
— Applebee's (@Applebees) February 12, 2015
Chocolate and Peanut Butter. #WhatIsLoveIn4Wordspic.twitter.com/EW1g9VoyGC
— REESE'S® (@ReesesPBCups) February 11, 2015
You + Me + Our Nissan #WhatIsLoveIn4Wordspic.twitter.com/I9XpWc2s7h
— Nissan (@NissanUSA) February 11, 2015
#WhatIsLoveIn4Words: "Let's go All-Natural."
— Carl's Jr. (@CarlsJr) February 11, 2015
Any pair. You pick. #WhatIsLoveIn4Wordspic.twitter.com/EwcHlBVu5a
— Christian Louboutin (@LouboutinWorld) February 11, 2015
You, me, and these #WhatIsLoveIn4Wordspic.twitter.com/hxipXPCE0e
— Chester Cheetah (@ChesterCheetah) February 11, 2015
Diamond stitched designo leather. #WhatIsLoveIn4Wordspic.twitter.com/GMkopV2wM6
— Mercedes-Benz USA (@MBUSA) February 11, 2015
#WhatIsLoveIn4Words Last slice is yours.
— DiGiorno Pizza (@DiGiornoPizza) February 11, 2015
Center of the Roll. #WhatIsLoveIn4Wordspic.twitter.com/VQpS6GRIAq
— Cinnabon (@Cinnabon) February 11, 2015
#WhatIsLoveIn4Words Sharing the last slice.
— Domino's Pizza (@dominos) February 11, 2015
Cute pugs and subs #WhatIsLoveIn4Wordspic.twitter.com/BqVmAQSQ9Z
— SUBWAY® (@SUBWAY) February 11, 2015
Your breath's totally fine. #WhatIsLoveIn4Wordspic.twitter.com/JUbjOcjERr
— Petco (@Petco) February 11, 2015
Beats by Dr. Dre #WhatIsLoveIn4Wordspic.twitter.com/Gl9P23q6ow
— Beats By Dre (@beatsbydre) February 11, 2015