What is the future of smartphones? Well, for one thing, they will reside inside your skull, not in your hand. And when they malfunction, your whole body will hiccup and crash—and you'll need to head to the doctor for an upgrade.
At least, that's the reality in this parody iPhone 7 ad from Noka Films.
"Upgrade is a story of a young woman who is experiencing an embarrassing malfunction with her older model of the iPhone and is desperately seeking an upgrade," the filmmakers say. "iPhones and similar smartphones are now an integral part of our modern life, and in a way, beginning to alter who we are. To ridicule our addiction to our smartphones, we played out a world where this technological evolution may one day take over us."
The idea of an iPhone implanted directly in your mind is "not so far from the truth," they add, considering the "underlying strangeness of today's world of marketing, innovation, and increasingly virtual reality."