Humans. We sure suck, always doing stupid, destructive stuff. Like walking into glass doors, squirting ketchup all over our dinner companions and dropping air conditioners from tall buildings through the roofs of vehicles parked below. That's just a small sample of the miscues that ruin cars, homes and property in Hill Holliday's latest effort for Liberty Mutual Insurance. TV spots broke this weekend during coverage of the London Olympic Games, along with digital ads and a Facebook app. Using the umbrella theme "Humans," the campaign is designed to emphasize "our empathy towards policyholders in times when they need us," according to Liberty Mutual Personal Insurance CMO Jim MacPhee. The well-choreographed mishaps are memorably amusing but never cartoonish and always within the realm of possibility. That should help folks relate to the broader message. Actor Paul Giamatti's voiceover is a highlight. He never oversells, but adopts an effortlessly relaxed and reassuring tone that almost—almost—made me forget for an instant that insurance companies are greedy corporate monsters. But hey, they're only human. Check out the 60-second anthem spot below and a 30-second execution after the jump.