I'm holding out for a hero 'til the end of the night. He's gotta be strong, and he's gotta be fast, and he's gotta be fresh from the fight ...
Oh, and he'd better not be drunk off his ass!
"Holding Out for a Hero," Bonnie Tyler's raucous '80s rock ballad, powers a new spot that launches Heinken's global "Moderate Drinkers Wanted" campaign.
In the minute-long ad from Publicis Italy and MJZ director Nicolai Fuglsig, millennial women belt out the tune in clubs, on city streets and in subway cars as they search the night for a sober—or at least not utterly wasted—Mr. Right.
The work, which breaks in 30 worldwide markets this week, stems from a study of 5,000 premium-beer drinkers between 21 and 35 years old. That research found responsible drinking carries cool cachet with the millennial crowd; two years ago, Heineken explored responsibility in a more general way in its "Drink Less, Dance More" campaign.
"Responsibility is becoming an active and attractive choice for a motivated generation who want to stay in control," says Nuno Teles, CMO of Heineken USA. "Drinking responsibly enables millennials to shape their own reputation and to make the best of every opportunity that comes their way."
Of course, grown men should act responsibly simply because it's the right thing to do, not because women tell them to. At any rate, there will be way more puke-free seats on the subway for us all to enjoy if both sexes show some self-control when they brave the beery bedlam of a night on the town.
Client: Heineken
Agency: Publicis Italy
Production Company: MJZ
Director: Nicolai Fuglsig