If anyone out there considers themselves a card-carrying A.1. steak sauce enthusiast, you'll soon have the actual card to prove it. The venerable steak sauce and Crispin Porter + Bogusky have launched the A.1. for Life campaign, which rewards hard-core A.1. brand loyalists with perks like a VIP card that can get you steak sauce whenever you want it, wherever you are. Not bad. The campaign also offers swank Major League Baseball seats and—for the simple cost of your dignity—tickets to any Live Nation concert in America. (You have to upload a video of yourself singing an "A.1. Love Song" to get those.) Finally, you could win a belt buckle, watch or fedora with secret hatches for smuggling sauce packets around town. This seems like the most natural fit, because I feel like anyone who would call themselves an A.1. enthusiast also owns a fedora and wears it with casual clothes.
Via Co.Create.