Australian brewer Carlton Draught's long history of stupid-funny advertising continues this week with "Beer Chase," its latest faux-epic spot from Clemenger BBDO. The new :90 is a cops-and-robbers tale that cuts pretty quickly to the chase—although, amusingly, it's one that takes place entirely on foot. (Because what are you going to do, drink and drive?) It's basically the boozer's version of Saturn's famous old "Sheet Metal" spot, backed by an appropriately cheesy '80s anthem. "We used some poetic license with the locations so they would match your expectations of a classic car chase," said Ant Keogh, Clemenger ecd. Carlton Draught's previous hits include a notoriously big ad from 2005 and the slow-motion masterpiece from 2010. Credits after the jump.
Client: Carlton Draught
Spot: "Beer Chase"
Agency: Clemenger BBDO, Melbourne, Australia
Creative Chairman: James McGrath
Executive Creative Director: Ant Keogh
Copywriter: Richard Williams
Art Director: Anthony Phillips
Executive Producer: Sonia von Bibra
Production Company: The Sweet Shop
Director: Steve Ayson
Production Company Executive Producer: Wilf Sweetland
Production Company Producer: Cindy Kavanagh
Cinematographer: Greig Fraser
Production Designer: Robbie Freed
Offline Editor: Jack Hutchings, The Butchery
Final Grade: Edel Rafferty, Method
Online Editor: Nicholas Ponzoni, Fin Design & Effects
Sound Design, Music Arrangers: Byron Scullin, Cornel Wilczek
Music Supervision: Karl Richter, Level Two Music
Music Track: Thunder in Your Heart
Planning Director: Michael Derepas
Planner: Sam Mackisack
Managing Partner: Paul McMillan
Account Director: Nick Cohen
Account Manager: Brendan Taylor
Carlton Draught
Chief Marketing Officer: Andy Gibson
General Manager of Marketing: Andrew Meldrum
Senior Brand Manager: Alastair McCausland
Assistant Brand Managers: Kirt Daunt, Laura King
Media Agency: Mediacom
Group Director, Client Communications Planning: Shaun Briggs
Director, Client Communication Planning: Brett Elliot
Client Communication Planner: Michael Bradley