If you see this suburban family at your local Kmart, you'd better get out of their way.
Mom just got an email confirming their online holiday order is ready, thanks to Kmart's free in-store pickup service. Now, nothing's going to stop them from busting mad-ass moves as they strut across the parking lot and through the automatic doors to collect their discount merchandise.
The spot, by FCB Chicago, really shouldn't work as well as it does. I expected it to fall flat, but it didn't. Once the beat kicks in, the frenetic pace never lets up. The overblown earnestness of the actors—conveyed mainly through popping and locking, or something, and pouty hip-hop poses—is infectious (and a little bit frightening).
Mom's frenzied hair flips and hyperactive hips reach a Miley Cyrus level of insanity. Dad's all about the cool hand-jive. (Pump it, Pops!) And that baby, rocking those shades, looks—as one YouTube commenter succinctly puts it—"fly as hell." At last, a tyke capable of taking out this little monster in a rattle battle.
Clothes, housewares, rotating disco-ball light—it really doesn't matter what they bought. Let the ominous thump of DJ Milad's "Just Got a Check" serve as a warning: There's gonna be manically choreographed, bass-heavy bopping in the aisles, bitches!