Who (l.) president Mark Mayer; CCO Josh Mayer
What Full-service advertising agency
Where New Orleans
Just like its clients, Peter Mayer Advertising has its roots firmly planted in the culture and history of New Orleans. The Big Easy agency specializes in bringing local clients into the national spotlight. Take Zatarain's, the New Orleans-based food and spice company. For the past 13 years, PMA has helped the brand rise to national prominence while still keeping its hometown authenticity. In May the shop helped Zatarain's break a Guinness World Record by hosting the world's largest crawfish boil—a New Orleans tradition. Other brands have taken notice. Both the National WWII Museum and Kennedy Space Center have enlisted the agency to take their local presence to the national stage. Peter Mayer's sons, Josh and Mark, who serve as CCO and president, respectively, now run the shop. What's their secret? "We're unlocking the cultural truth about a brand and sharing that with a larger audience," said Josh Mayer.