Is your creative director a douchebag? Before you reflexively blurt out yes, take a moment and put a little science into proving it.
The Creative Director Douchebag Detector Device asks you to describe your boss (or yourself, if you're so inclined) and then determines the kind and level of douchiness embodied therein.
"This state-of-the-art-futuristic-hi-tek-gismo will calculate the potential DBAG risk of that overly paid Creative Leader," the device's makers say. "Simply adjust the dials and toggle the knobs to the exact specifications you are looking for in said Creative Leader and…. Beep! Boop! Beep! DING! You will know with 99.997% accuracy whether the Creative Leader you want to hire has real potential … to be a complete Dill Weed."
Via AgencySpy.