Are you unique enough that your child could pick you out of a lineup by touch alone?
The charm-bracelet pushers over at Pandora Jewelry have just released The Unique Collection, but you won't see much jewelry in this two-minute spot by Danish agency Malling Publications. Instead, you can watch them prove how every woman is unique, and try not to cry, as kids are blindfolded and asked to pick out their moms by touch alone.
The children, ages 3-9, touch rings and bracelets, hair and noses. Check out the video to see how they do.
Even more touching is the worry on each mom's face as she waits to see if her child would recognize her, followed by tears of joy when they do. It underscores how irreplaceable our moms are, and how important it is to them that we know them well—particularly on days like Mother's Day. (Hint, hint, buy her some personalized jewelry.)
Though the video stars moms and has been released well before Mother's Day (it already has more than 14 million views on Facebook and 7 million on YouTube), Pandora's call to action wisely tells people to celebrate the woman in their heart—noting that all women are unique, whether they're a mom or not.
It's also a not so subtle hint to her significant other, because c'mon, that 3-year-old isn't paying for the bracelet himself.