The Hamburglar got the Internet's attention last week—the jury is still out on whether he's hot or creepy—but he won't be pitching the Sirloin Burger on TV, at least not this month. That job has been taken by New Girl's Max Greenfield, whose cute—dare we say, adorkable—ads debuted Monday.
The actor shot 25 spots in a single day, says McDonald's vp of marketing Joel Yashinsky, telling Burger Business that the campaign is part of the brand's mission to be transparent.
"That's what really led to our doing 25 different TV commercials," Yashinsky says. "They talk about different attributes and the flavors, about it being sirloin and North American sourced. That's what the overall campaign is designed to get across to the customer. From everything we've seen, we think it will connect with customers."
Check out some of the new work, by Leo Burnett, below.
Client: McDonald's
Agency: Leo Burnett, Chicago
Campaign: "Sirloin Third Pound Burger Lovin' Reminders"
Chief Creative Officer: Susan Credle
Executive Creative Director: John Hansa
Senior Creative Director: Tony Katalinic
Creative Directors: Michael Porritt, Frank Oles
Associate Creative Director: Gloria Dusenberry
Art Director: Scott Fleming
Copywriters: Brandon Crockett, Chris Davis, Leigh Kunkel
Head of Production: Vincent Geraghty
Executive Producer: Denis Giroux
Senior Producer: Scott Gould
Business Manager: Shirley Costa
Senior Talent Manager: Linda Yuen
Music Supervisor: Chris Clark
Managing Account Director: Jennifer Cacioppo
Account Directors: Josh Raper, Jennifer Klopf
Account Supervisor: Dave Theibert
Account Manager: Sue Rickey
Planning Director: Claudia Steer
Legal: Carla Michelotti, Laura Cooney
Clearance: Michelle Overby
Editing: Cutters Studio
Postproduction: Flavor Chicago
Audio: Another Country