If you think your life is too busy, talk to the guy who's working eight jobs.
JetBlue and Mullen Lowe are out with "HumanKinda," a new campaign that pokes fun at high-demand modern lives. Comedian Sam Richardson, perhaps best known for his role on HBO's Veep, plays host in a 16-minute film, directed by Bianca Giaever, about how little time people have for anything these days (like watching a 16-minute film. Get it?).
Here's the trailer:
And here's the full 16-minute film:
Richardson does a great job of keeping the piece moving along at a clip—JetBlue's sales pitch, about slowing down and taking some vacation, is present but takes a back seat to his lighthearted exploration of what's making people so high strung, what they're missing as a result, and what he can do to help.
One study subject is Ryan, a guy who has more than half a dozen part-time gigs. Ultimately, he gets a chance to spend a day doing nothing with James Ward, founder of the Boring Conference (yes, it's a real thing), as well as enjoying a personalized dating show, so he can get back in that game. Another subject, Jennifer, is a working mom who gets a trip to a breathing specialist, and a little time relaxing with a needlepoint group in Florida. (Choice moments include when Richardson makes lunch for her daughter, so she won't have to—suffice it to say, he's a better jokester than chef.)
In the end, it's an entertaining and reasonably persuasive argument. Anyone working in the modern economy can relate. And while there's no shortage of travel and hospitality ads trying to convince you to take that vacation, watching Richardson start to deflate some of the more common excuses makes it easier to imagine the possibility of getting away than just seeing beauty shots of—or trying to imagine yourself in—exotic places.
There's also a Tumblr hub featuring more than 100 pieces of shareable social content
The title itself, "HumanKinda," recalls Airbnb's "Is Mankind?" but absent the tedious philosophizing, in favor of a nice little insight wrapped up in a pun. That is to say, JetBlue's work is intentionally rather than accidentally funny.
Then again, who has time for things that are funny?
Client: JetBlue Airways
Campaign: HumanKinda
Agency: Mullen Lowe
Production Company: m ss ng p eces
Sound: One Thousand Birds
Agency: Mullen Lowe
Managing Partner, Chief Creative Officer: Mark Wenneker
Executive Creative Director/Art: Tim Vaccarino
Executive Creative Director/Copy: Dave Weist
Associate Creative Director: Lisa Mathisen
Associate Creative Director: Nick Mathisen
Associate Creative Director/Technologist: Joe Palasek
Senior Creative Technologist, Dev/Ops: Stefan Harris
Senior Creative Technologist: Justin Bogan
Senior Creative Technologist: Brian Wilkinson
Senior Experience Designer: Charlene McBride
Motion Designer: Jennifer McMahon
Designer: Alyssa Cavanaugh
Junior Digital Designer: Lauren Schroeter
Junior Copywriter: Macie Soler-Sala
Creative Technologist, Co-Op: Brittany Chiang
SVP, Executive Director of Integrated Production: Liza Near
SVP, Director of Broadcast Production: Zeke Bowman
VP, Director of Art Production: Tracy Maidment
VP, Digital Studio Manager: Steve Haroutunian
VP, Senior Video Editor: Jess Phearsome
VP, Director of Business Affairs: Kim Burns
Business Affairs: Kara Estow
Integrated Producer: Matt Polski
Group Head Producer: Kim Bennett
Production Supervisor: Kristine Ring-Janicki
Executive Producer, Curator of Art/Design: Shawn Smith
Senior Art Producer: Jessica Manning
Senior Content Producer: Aubrey Hayden
Senior Content Artist: Nick Bleil
Senior QA Engineer: Joe Dury
Senior Production Artist: Julie Sforza
Content Producer: Eric Skvirsky
Senior Editor: Rob Apse
Assistant Editor and Videographer: Jake Stafford
Digital Producer: Laura Fronius
Account Service
SVP, Group Account Director: Drayton Martin
VP, Account Director: Meredith Frisco
Account Supervisor: Molly Bluhm
Senior Account Executive: Vishal Chandawarkar
Assistant Account Executive: Kristen Fougere
SVP, Director of Strategy: Lance Koenig
Strategic Planning Director: Ellie Gogan-Tilstone
Senior Brand Strategist: Sloane Beaver
Executive Director, MediaHub Boston: Keith Lusby
SVP, Group Digital Director: Jade Watts
VP, Associate Digital Media Director: Rachel Allen
Digital Media Supervisor: Shoshana Levine
SVP, Account Director, PR: Jaclyn Ruelle
Account Director, PR: Megan Oxland
Account Supervisor, PR: Becky Brand
Senior Account Executive, PR: Brittany Topham
Assistant Account Executive, PR: Kelsey Labrot
Production Company: m ss ng p eces
Director: Bianca Giaever
Writer: Bianca Giaever
Writer: Ben Orbison
Executive Producer/Founder: Ari Kuschnir
Executive Producer/Partner: Kate Oppenheim
Executive Producer/Partner: Brian Latt
Head of Production: Dave Saltzman
Producer: Tory Lenosky
Director of Photography: Ryan Dickie
Production Manager: Nikkia Moulterie
Additional Production Managers:
Lisa Richardson
Liz Barcia
Production Coordinator: Florence Friebe
Art Director: Angela Barrow
Production Sound Mixer: Juan Bertran
Post Producer: Cynthia Angel
Debbie McMurtrey
Kelly Brickner
Catherine Gionfriddo
Jeremiah Shuff
Assistant Editors:
Will Kanellos
Alex Abrahams
Dustin Waldman
Samantha Ommen
Michael Kefeyalew
Jordan Bruner
Alex Krokus
Colorist: Shawn King
Alex Abrahams
Will Kanellos
Sound: One Thousand Birds
Mixer: Andrew Tracy
Audio Post Producer: Kira MacKnight
Host: Sam Richardson
Test Subject: Jennifer Kitchin
Test Subject: Ryan James Butler
Founder of Boring Conference: James Ward
Guy Who Throws Phone in River: Arvind Dilawar
Hypnotherapist: Shauna Cummins
Clinical Psychologist/Breathing Expert: Dr. Belisa Vranich
Sociologist, Ph.D.: Dr. Christine Carter
Retired Woman: Sheila Yerusalim
Client: JetBlue
EVP, Commercial and Planning: Marty St. George
VP, Brand & Product Development: Jamie Perry
Manager, Advertising: Phillip Ma
Analyst, Advertising: Jamie Lawson
Analyst, Brand: Chan Tran
Manager, Consumer Promotions and Regional Marketing: Tara Carson
Senior Analyst, Consumer Promotions: Sean Williams
Analyst, Consumer Promotions: Jaclyn Costantino
Corporate Communications
VP, Corporate Communications: Nancy Elder
Director, Corporate Communications: Doug McGraw
Manager, Corporate Communications: Morgan Johnston