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Wieden + Kennedy is doing a fun little real-time Twitter stunt for Old Spice today.
It began with the brand asking a simple question:
If you could ask your future self one question what would it be?
— Old Spice (@OldSpice) January 27, 2016
Fans who replied were in for a surprise, though, as Old Spice has been creating custom Twitter accounts for their future selves—and then having the future selves comically answer the questions. (The future selves also have futurey names and profile pics.)
The whole thing has that freewheeling, crazy vibe that comes with churning out absurdist content on a tight deadline. Check out some the present-self/future-self interactions below.
@slstevens3@OldSpice hmmmmm. I was about to ask you the same question.
— SL Stevens (@slstevens3000) January 27, 2016
@Skwirlyskwirl@OldSpice We've been living off royalties from the digital grilled cheese we invented in 2043.
— Risu Skwirl (@ZkwirlyZkwirl) January 27, 2016
@TheGomyde@OldSpice Except for all the Old Spice, absolutely not.
— Lucas Gomyde (@GomydeTheUpset) January 27, 2016
@charlesv@OldSpice If we're abiding by the New World Pizza standards, 37. But if I include injectable pizza the number is closer to 385,928
— Charles V (@charlesvamatic) January 27, 2016
@samguaiana@OldSpice Do you mean Water® or Water™? Things are a little different now.
— Sam (@Xsamus_guaianux) January 27, 2016