The restaurant business in Brussels has been suffering tremendously since the terrorist attacks of March 22. The bankruptcy rate of eateries in the city has increased by 1500 percent since then, according to ad agency Famous—with a nation of gourmands frequently staying home instead of enjoying dinner out.
Famous decided to do something about this. So it teamed up with De Tijd and L'Echo, the leading national business newspapers in Belgium, for a social campaign called #DiningforBrussels.
The campaign called for two simple things from Belgians: 1) Go have dinner in Brussels. Take a picture of your finished plate with your cutlery placed in a peace sign. 2) Share the photo with #DiningForBrussels on Instagram, Facebook or Twitter.
People who did so had a chance to win dinner for two in a starred restaurant in Brussels. Great, simple, useful work with lovely visual insight at its core.