Kayak.com's travel deals inspire some hotel-lobby hot steppin' in this new spot, as a middle-aged couple treat us to the "wet-dog wiggle" and the "Chattanooga check-in." (Guess which dance features one partner ringing the desk bell with his toe? Hope the staff has disinfectant wipes handy.) Like much of this company's offbeat oeuvre, the ad rivets the attention. Still, these prize-winning dancers from South Carolina kind of freak me out, especially the baggy-pants guy, who drawls/snarls, "Oh how I missed these shiny, shiny floors!" and later declares that it's "Tip-tap time!" as he stares wild-eyed into the camera. The ad has earned mainly positive reviews, and I've praised Barton F. Graf 9000's work for Kayak in the past. But here I'm unmoved. I'll just sit this one out.